Title: Hasanuddin Law Review e-ISSN: 2442-9899 p-ISSN: 2442-9880 Frequency: 3 times a year Year of Start 2015 Website: http://pasca.unhas.ac.id/ojs/index.php/halrev Title: Journal of Tourism and Services e-ISSN: 1804-5650 Frequency: Twice a year Year of Start 2010 Website: http://www.vso.cz/en/journal-of-t--s/ Title: Bioresearch Communications e-ISSN: 2411-0272 p-ISSN: 2411-0485 Frequency: 2/year Year of Start 2015 Website: http://www.bioresearchcommunications.com/ Title: International Journal of Empirical Finance e-ISSN: 2310-2926 p-ISSN: 2310-3248 Frequency: 6 Year of Start 2013 Website: http://www.rassweb.com/details/ Title: International Journal of Financial Economics e-ISSN: 2310-2942 p-ISSN: 2310-3256 Frequency: 6 Year of Start 2013 Website: http://www.rassweb.com/details-fe/ Title: International Journal of Management Sciences e-ISSN: 2310-2845 p-ISSN: 2310-2829 Frequency: 12 Year of Start 2013 Website: http://www.rassweb.com/details-ms/ Title: Journal of Empirical Economics e-ISSN: 2310-3140 p-ISSN: 2310-3280 Frequency: 6 Year of Start 2013 Website: http://www.rassweb.com/details-ee/ Title: Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities e-ISSN: 2313-8297 Frequency: 6 Year of Start 2014 Website: http://www.rassweb.com/details-sssh/ Title: Journal of Education and Literature e-ISSN: 2313-318X p-ISSN: 2313-383X Frequency: 6 Year of Start 2014 Website: http://www.rassweb.com/details-jel/ Title: Quarterly Journal of Business Studies e-ISSN: 2409-1472 p-ISSN: 2313-6642 Frequency: 4 Year of Start 2014 Website: http://www.rassweb.com/details-qjbs/