Title: Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Journal e-ISSN: 2455-8362 p-ISSN: 0974-5777 Frequency: 04 Year of Start 2008 Website: http://rfppl.co.in/about_journal.php?jid=17 Scholarsteer Index
Rating (SIR)Evaluation Pending Title: Pediatric Education and Research e-ISSN: 2455-4871 p-ISSN: 2321-1644 Frequency: 03 Year of Start 2013 Website: http://rfppl.co.in/about_journal.php?jid=22 Scholarsteer Index
Rating (SIR)Evaluation Pending Title: Ophthalmology and Allied Sciences e-ISSN: 2455-8354 p-ISSN: 2454-7816 Frequency: 02 Year of Start 2015 Website: http://rfppl.co.in/about_journal.php?jid=45 Scholarsteer Index
Rating (SIR)Evaluation Pending Title: New Journal of Psychiatric Nursing e-ISSN: 2455-8397 p-ISSN: 2277-9035 Frequency: 03 Year of Start 2012 Website: http://rfppl.co.in/about_journal.php?jid=14 Scholarsteer Index
Rating (SIR)Evaluation Pending Title: New Indian Journal of Surgery e-ISSN: 2456-0863 p-ISSN: 0976-4747 Frequency: 03 Year of Start 2010 Website: http://rfppl.co.in/about_journal.php?jid=16 Scholarsteer Index
Rating (SIR)Evaluation Pending Title: Journal of Social Welfare and Management e-ISSN: 2456-0871 p-ISSN: 0975-0231 Frequency: 03 Year of Start 2009 Website: http://rfppl.co.in/about_journal.php?jid=15 Scholarsteer Index
Rating (SIR)Evaluation Pending Title: Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry e-ISSN: 2455-8346 p-ISSN: 2395-6615 Frequency: 02 Year of Start 2015 Website: http://rfppl.co.in/about_journal.php?jid=42 Scholarsteer Index
Rating (SIR)Evaluation Pending Title: Journal of Orthopaedic Education e-ISSN: 2455-8338 p-ISSN: 2454-7956 Frequency: 02 Year of Start 2015 Website: http://rfppl.co.in/about_journal.php?jid=46 Scholarsteer Index
Rating (SIR)Evaluation Pending Title: Journal of Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health e-ISSN: 2455-8389 p-ISSN: 2454-7506 Frequency: 03 Year of Start 2015 Website: http://rfppl.co.in/about_journal.php?jid=75 Scholarsteer Index
Rating (SIR)Evaluation Pending Title: Journal of Microbiology and Related Research e-ISSN: 2455-832X p-ISSN: 2395-6623 Frequency: 02 Year of Start 2015 Website: http://rfppl.co.in/about_journal.php?jid=47 Scholarsteer Index
Rating (SIR)Evaluation Pending